(last updated 5th March 2025)
HCC Presentation
Cllr Juliet Henderson asked Dummer Parish Council to host a meeting with Cllr Nick Adams-King on 24th February 2025. The presentation which Cllr Adams-King gave can be found by clicking here:
HCC - Devolution Presentation - Nick Adams-King.pdf
Parish Council Meeting - 10th March 2025
The agenda for the next Parish Council meeting has now been posted under the 'Agendas and Minutes' page. We hope to see you there.
Proposal for a Development on the land adjoining Glebe Close, Dummer
Andrew Farquhar attended the Dummer Parish Council Meeting held on 10th February 2025 and gave a presentation on his proposal for a development on the land adjoining Glebe Close, Dummer. This presentation can now be viewed here:
Guildoak Presentation - Glebe Close, Dummer
Dates to note
10th February 2025 - Dummer Parish Council meeting at Dummer Village Hall from 7pm. Cllr Paul Harvey will be attending to talk to and take questions from Residents.
24th February 2025 - The Leader of Hampshire County Council, Cllr Nick Adams-King, will be attending Dummer Village Hall to talk about the role of HCC and answer questions from Residents. The meeting will begin at 6pm.
15th March 2025 - The Councillors of Dummer Parish Council will be holding a Meet and Greet session at Old Down Hall, Kempshott Lane, RG22 5UY between 10am-12pm. Come down, meet the Councillors, ask questions and even have a cup of tea and a slice of cake!
Dummer Parish Council Meeting
The agenda has been uploaded to the 'Agendas and Minutes' page for the meeting being held on the 13th January 2025 in Dummer Village Hall from 7pm.
Happy New Year!
A Happy New Year to all in Dummer Parish. Here's a snapshot of things happening within the parish in the upcoming months.

Christmas Closure Dates
The Parish Council Office will be closed from 5pm on Friday 20th December 2024 and will reopen again on Monday 6th January 2025.
Dummer Parish Council would like to wish one and all a peaceful and merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Festive Competition WINNERS!
We've had some absolutely wonderful entries to our Christmas picture competition. Our Winner is Joseph (age 10) with his wonderful picture of Father Christmas. We have two very close runners up Isla-Rose (age 5) and Olivia (age 4). All will receive a little festive prize. Pictures below
Joseph (Age 10)
Isla-Rose (Age 5)
Olivia (Age 4)
Oakdown Farm Warehouse Development
The latest version of the warehouse development was approved by Basingstoke and Deane Development Control Committee on the 6th November 2024, six votes to four.
As the objectors have no right of appeal to this decision, the battle to get this development stopped, not least due to the impact on the landscape and the residents of the Parish in Hounsome Fields and along the A30, has come to a halt.
Dummer Parish Council will now invite residents with areas of expertise or enthusiasm to help us to watch, report on, and if necessary, complain about:
Adherence to the plans currently approved. No backsliding on the amendments agreed after the Public Enquiry refusal, particularly if the site is sold on with planning permission
The extent to which landscaping across the site, the provision of footpaths and green areas to aid biodiversity, and tree cover planting, is provided as promised and maintained
And most importantly over the construction period, the enforcement of conditions laid down with regard to road cleaning, noise, working hours, spoil removal, storage of materials and safety for nearby residents.
If you are interested in helping Dummer Parish Council as part of monitoring teams, please send your name and email address to Wendy Reynolds at and/ or contact Cllr. Sascha Mullen on
More information will be available in the New Year.
Christmas Season comes to Dummer Village Hall
On Sunday 1st December, the village had our first annual switch on of the Christmas Tree lights. It was a lovely event attended by many residents.
Sewage Issues on Longacre
In recent days, residents of Longacre have faced significant disruption due to sewage flowing past their homes from the local pumping station.
Councillor Mullen of Dummer Parish Council, along with affected residents and representatives from FirstPort, has been working to address the issue. Thames Water was called to investigate, but complications arose as the pumping station appeared to not be within their remit, preventing them from directly accessing or resolving the problem.
It appears that the pumping station had developed a fault and the pump was intermittently switching off, causing a complete drainage backup, leaving sewage with nowhere to go. The station is responsible for pumping sewage from Longacre to the main sewer network near Blue Hutt Way by Fairways, via the Holly Blue area. While blockages along this route could contribute to the issue, the primary problem seems to lie with the pumping station itself.
One key challenge is that the pumping station hand over has never been made clear. This raises concerns about the station's management and the availability of proper emergency response.
Given the potential for similar issues with other pumping stations planned for developments like Hounsome Fields and the Old Golf Course, the Parish Council will be engaging with developers, management companies and water suppliers. Ensuring robust, 24/7 emergency callout services are in place before these developments are handed over will be a priority to prevent future problems.
The Parish Council remains committed to resolving the Longacre situation and ensuring long-term solutions for all local developments.
Winter Newsletter
We have a revamped Newsletter! Do have a read (can be found under the 'News' link on the front page). The Parish Council would welcome any resident news items or suggestions for articles to go in the next edition due Spring 2025. We'd also love to see some of our younger residents enter into our festive artwork competition.
November 2024 Meeting Minutes
Minutes for November Parish Council Meeting are now posted on the website.
Warehouse Planning Application Update
Dummer Parish Council regret to say that the DCC Meeting held last night approved the application for the warehouse development on Oakdown Farm. The Parish Council will continue to support all residents in the Parish during the construction phase of this development.
Parish Council Meeting - 11th November 2024
The agenda for the Parish Council meeting being held on Monday 11th November 2024, is now uploaded in the 'Agendas and Minutes' section of the website. The meeting will begin at 7pm and all residents are welcome to attend.
***URGENT UPDATE RE Warehouse Planning Application 23/03120/FUL***
The Development Control Committee are MEETING TO VOTE on the Warehouse Application on the 6th November 2024. A SITE VISIT will be held on 1st November 2024.
For more information please see the CAGE website (CAGE (Clean Air Green Environment) | protest) or the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Planning Portal.
October Parish Council Meeting
The agenda for the meeting being held on 14th October 2024 at Dummer Village Hall, is now on the website (under the link for Agendas and Minutes). We hope to see you there.
Cllr Harvey visiting the Parish
A new date has been arranged for Cllr Harvey's visit to the Parish. He will now be attended the Parish Council Meeting on the 10th February 2025. Details of the meeting will be posted in the New Year.
IMPORTANT - Update on Councillor Paul Harvey's visit
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Cllr Paul Harvey has had to postpone his visit to Dummer scheduled for 14th October. We are looking to get another date in the diary as soon as possible and this will be communicated once it is confirmed.
September Parish Council Meeting
The agenda for the meeting being held on 9th September 2024 at Dummer Village Hall, is now on the website (under the link for Agendas and Minutes). We hope to see you there.
Councillor Paul Harvey
Cllr Harvey will be attending the Dummer Ordinary Parish Council meeting on 14th October 2024. Details will follow in early October. It will be a fantastic opportunity to get an update from Cllr Harvey and a chance to ask questions.
August Update
August is always seems to be a quiet month in the Parish Council, however work is still very much carrying on behind the scenes. Our next meeting will be going ahead on the 9th September 2024 (agenda will be published the week before).
July 2024 Minutes
Minutes have been uploaded for the ordinary meeting held in July 2024. The Parish Council have a Summer break during August, and our next scheduled ordinary meeting will be on 9th September 2024 at 7pm. We'd love to see lots of faces from the Parish there. Agenda will be posted the week prior to the meeting.
Cllr Henderson's July report
Cllr Henderson's July report has been uploaded and can be found under 'Additional Documents' on the July 2024 meeting link. Please do have a read.
Police and Crime Plan Survey for Hampshire & IoW
Donna Jones, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and IoW is developing her next Police and Crime Plan and has put together a survey for you to have your say. Please do click on the link and get involved. You can find the survey here
July 2024 Ordinary Meeting
Our next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be taking place on Monday 8th July 2024. The meeting will be held in Dummer Village Hall and will commence at 7.00PM. The agenda can be found under the 'Minutes and Agendas' area of our website, or on the Parish Council noticeboards.
Local Elections and Annual Meeting of Dummer Parish Council May 2024
After the Annual Parish Council Meeting on the 20th May 2024, we say a huge thank you to Cllr Julian Jones, who is stepping down from his position as Chair. Julian has provided many years of commitment and experience to the Parish and will continue to do so as a member of the Parish Council. We also congratulate him on being successfully elected as the new Borough Councillor for Oakley and the Candovers.
We warmly welcome Cllr Sheila Harden as our new Chair. Sheila has a huge amount of ideas to take the Parish Council forward and hopes to be able utilise all the wonderful skills and experience we have within the community.
We are currently in the process of reviewing and updating the Dummer Parish Council website. Watch this space!
Oakdown Farm
The proposals are back. This time for 8 warehouses 4 detached and 2 semi-detached.
The Application can be found here 23/03120/FUL | Demolition of three dwellings, outbuildings and related structures and construction of storage and distribution units (use class B8) with ancillary offices and gatehouses, associated infrastructure works (including parking and landscaping), and full details of site levels, access, drainage, tree retention and diversion of underground pipeline. The development will be phased and delivered across separate and self-contained plots as shown on the submitted Phasing Plan. | Land At Oakdown Farm Winchester Road Dummer Basingstoke Hampshire RG23 7LR
Dummer is a beautiful rural village in Basingstoke, Lying just of Junction 7 of the M3; it is part of the Oakley and North Waltham ward of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.
The name of the village is derived from Dun (meaning hill) and Mer (lake or pond). The English surname 'Dummer' is thought to originate from here, as the Dummer Family were lords of the manor between the 12th and 16th centuries.
Three manors were the original basis of the present parish, East Dummer or Popham Dummer, West Dummer and Grange of Dummer. Dummer and Kempshott were joined in 1876 for civil purposes.
West Dummer was probably held by one of Hugh de Port's men at the time of the Domesday Survey. By the early thirteenth century the Dummer family were tenants. It remained in the Dummer family until 1593 when it came to the Millingate family. From the mid seventeenth century its history is identical with that of East Dummer.
Grange of Dummer was granted to Waverly Abbey by Stephen and remained in its possession until the Suppression in 1536. By the end of the sixteenth century it had been acquired by the Dummer family and from then on followed the descent of West Dummer.
East Dummer was held by Hunger as a sub-tenant of Odo at the time of the Domesday Survey. He may have been an ancestor of the Dummer family who certainly held the land by the twelfth century. In 1368--9 the manor was conveyed to Sir John Popham of the adjoining hamlet of Popham. In the following two centuries the manor changed hands several times and its history is uncertain. By 1577 John Millingate was in possession of the whole estate and it passed to the Terry family and remained in their possession until 1864.
The parish has notorious connections with royalty. About 1788 the Prince of Wales rented Kempshott House as a hunting lodge. He brought Mrs. Fitzherbert here and it was said to be furnished to her taste. A 'seraglio' is said to have existed and certainly the Prince's conduct scandalised the neighbourhood. In 1795 he married Caroline of Brunswick and spent his honeymoon at Kempshott